• Perfection for PROs

    Perfection for PROs

    Did you know that Scanbooster is available for institutional licensing? This way your students, employees, course participants and residents will learn sonography in no time!

    Experience Scanbooster PRO
  • Scanbooster Control

    Scanbooster Control

    Transform your smartphone into a virtual Ultrasound probe to control Scanbooster Ultrasound Simulator on your tablet. Available on iPhone and Android

    Learn more
  • Realistic Ultrasound Simulation

    Realistic Ultrasound Simulation

    Scanbooster is the world's first realistic Ultrasound Simulator app - available for iPhone, iPad and Android smartphones/tablets. Available for individual customers and for institutional customers at a reduced rate.

    Download now

Learn ultrasound. Anywhere. Anytime. Any specialty.

Scanbooster is the world's first realistic ultrasound simulator app.

Perfect for improving sonographic skills. Scientifically proven.

Several large studies with hundreds of medical students at internationally renowned universities have proven Scanbooster's great learning effect and high satisfaction.

1.0 %
increase in correct recognition of cardiac structures
1.0 %
of the students rated the app as a useful addition to conventional learning
1.0 %
reduction in time needed to display a sonographic structure correctly

Hartmann, T., Friebe‐Hoffmann, U., Lato, C., Friedl, T., Janni, W. and Lato, K. (2020), OC10.08: Comparing a new form of ultrasound simulation on smartphone and tablet to a conventional learning method. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 56: 30-30. https://doi.org/10.1002/uog.22272

Hartmann, T., Friebe‐Hoffmann, U., Lato, C., Friedl, T., Janni, W. and Lato, K. (2020), VP34.17: Practicing fetal echocardiography with the Scanbooster ultrasound simulator app on smartphone and tablet. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 56: 200-201. https://doi.org/10.1002/uog.22850

Hartmann T, Friebe-Hoffmann U, Polasik A, de Gregorio, N; Bekes, I; Friedl, T.W.P; Janni, W; Lato, K Scanbooster Ultraschall Simulation mit Smartphone und Tablet in der Geburtshilfe. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 2020; 80(10): 124 - 125. doi:10.1055/s-0040-1717930

Hartmann T, Friebe-Hoffmann U, Polasik A, de Gregorio, N; Bekes, I; Friedl, T.W.P; Janni, W; Lato, K Fetale Echokardiographie via Scanbooster Ultraschall Simulator App üben – wie verhält sich diese neue Lernmethode in Bezug auf Effektivität und Motivation Studierender?. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 2020; 80(10): 125 -. doi:10.1055/s-0040-1717931

The Vision

To make learning sonography accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime - without the need to have a high-end ultrasound device, a professor or a patient around.


Realistic scanning experience


Maintenance? As simple as tapping the update button!


Smartphone, Tablet, Mac? Available for all of them!


Your phone: virtual ultrasound probe!


150+ Real patient cases. And more and more.


Live. Adapting. Colored. Legend.

Scanbooster Control virtual ultrasound probe download free online ultrasound simulator

150+ Real patient cases. And more and more.

Our Scanbooster case library is expanded regularly and features over 150 individual real patient cases from different medical specialties. Choose from internal medicine ultrasound, point of care ultrasound (POCUS), gynecological ultrasound, prenatal and obstetrical ultrasound, urological ultrasound and angiological ultrasound.

Smartphone, Tablet, Mac? Available for all of them!

Scanbooster Ultrasound Simulator can be used on tablets, smartphones and a Macs individually. If two devices are available (i.e. smartphone and tablet/Mac/additional smartphone), the smartphone can be used as a virtual ultrasound probe, simulating all different kinds of motions.

Scanbooster uses real patient data to simulate the sonographic examination. Ultrasound has never been more immersive on a mobile device.

Download our Apps

Scanbooster Ultrasound Simulator App Logo realisitic ultraosund sonography simulation
Learn Sonography and Ultrasound on your smartphone and tablet.
Download Scanbooster on the AppStore
Download Scanbooster Ultrasound Sim on the PlayStore
Scanbooster Control Ultrasound Simulator App Logo realisitic ultraosund sonography simulation
Transform your smartphone into a virtual Ultrasound probe to control Scanbooster on your tablet.
Download Scanbooster Control on the AppStore
Download Scanbooster Control on the PlayStore
ScanBaby App logo - discover with us the fascination of newly emerged life
Experience with us the fascination of newly emerged life.
Download ScanBaby on the AppStore
Download ScanBaby on the PlayStore


Use your smartphone as a virtual Ultrasound probe to control Scanbooster on your iPad

How to scan?

How would you start a real Ultrasound examination? By putting the probe on the patient and starting to move it. Well - with Scanbooster there's no difference - except that there's no patient below your smartphone. Scanning feels almost the same as we capture every movement precisely and render the sonographic image accordingly.

Advanced technology - for advanced realism

  • realScan tracks your environment and therefore allows sweeping, sliding and compression movements (back/forth, left/right and up/down) by just -well- moving your device through the air. It feels as if you'd hold a real ultrasound probe in your hand.
  • airScan gives you a feeling as if your patient was laying just below your smartphone: By using haptic feedback and sophisticated technical engineering the image you see on the screen is very similar to a real ultrasound examination. Slightly move your smartphone downwards and you'll apply more 'pressure' therefore the image quality improves. Move your smartphone upwards and the 'pressure' decreases - you will only see a partial image - until the applied 'pressure' becomes so little that no image can be seen anymore.
  • With haptic feedback moving through the air now feels like moving a real probe on the skin of a patient. You can even feel when you lose contact or gain it again!

All movements are fully supported!

With the additional Scanbooster Control app your smartphone becomes your own virtual Ultrasound probe. By using sophisticated engineering and the latest technology it will make your transition from practicing with Scanbooster to performing a real ultrasound examination seamless.

The handling with Scanbooster Control is just the same - forward/backward, left/right, turning, tilting and twisting are all supported.














Get to know the great features of Scanbooster's free scanning mode

Realistic Ultrasound Simulator


All sonographic structures are sorted by arteries, veins and other structures. Pathological structures are displayed separately. This helps you keeping the overview and makes learning sonography with Scanbooster a breeze. Of course labelling can be turned off and on at any time.


Every color is selected carefully by our sonographic experts to guarantee maximum clarity.


Scanbooster uses the top important Structures to display. Therefore we achieve a maximum level of clarity while concentrating on the most important contents to learn

Pathological cases

With Scanbooster Ultrasound Simulator you can scan and experience every case in our ever expanding library - both physiological and pathological cases. That's why pathological structures are displayed separately. This guarantees to find your way around immediately.

Real time

Scanbooster's innovative color labelling is displayed in real time with no latency. Just scan through the volume as you'd do normally while seeing every structure at the same time - colored.


Of course you can set the transparency of the colored structures - or turn them off completely. You'll also be able to use the image controls just like with a real device: Brightness, Contrast, Zoom and Depth!


Got lost? No need to worry, Scanbooster has got you covered. Just turn on the pictogram to see where you're scanning at right now - of course it's live!



Scan even the rarest pathologies all by yourself - or learn sonographic anatomy with our physiological organ-volumes

Actual in-app rendered images

  • qxif-stethoscope

    Internal medicine

  • Gynaecology


  • Obstetrics


  • Urology


  • Angiology



Scanbooster intravaginal transvaginal intracavity ultrasound probe simulation 11th week of pregnancy sonography in gynecology

Transvaginal ultrasound simulation

Scanbooster linear ultrasound probe simulation thyroid gland sonography in internal medicine Schilddrüsenultraschall in der inneren Medizin Linearschallkopf

Linear probe ultrasound simulation

Scanbooster curved ultrasound probe simulation liver sonography in internal medicine Leberultraschall in der inneren Medizin Curvedschallkopf

Curved probe ultrasound simulation

Scan tutorial

Probe movements?

Learn everything there is to know about sonographic probe movements.

With the newly developed Scanbooster Scan tutorial, performing the sonographic probe movements and remembering their terminology becomes a breeze.


Connect your smartphone with Scanbooster Control to your tablet


Open the Scan tutorial


Control the virtual ultrasound probe on the virtual patient and learn:

Fanning, Rocking, Rotating, Sliding, Sweeping, Compression of tissue, Loss of contact, Quality improvement scanning techniques.


Scan anything

With Scanbooster you can choose from our ever expanding library of both physiological and pathological cases. Many come with our innovative Scanbooster labelling. In comparison to reading a book - you have the ability to experience a rare pathology almost as if the patient was right besides you. Scan it all by yourself and practice it. Of course rare is rare but one time you might encounter a patient with this exact pathology - and Scanbooster will prepare you for it.

Scan anywhere

As Scanbooster Ultrasound Simulator runs on your smartphone, tablet and MacBook - you can use it virtually anywhere and practice the art of performing Sonographic examinations.

As many patients as you want

Scanbooster gives you full flexibility when it comes to choosing patients. We develop an ever growing library of both physiological and pathological cases for you to explore

Help - when you need it

Scanbooster comes with many helper you can turn on at any time. Such as our innovative labelling system or the pictogram that shows your current position when scanning. This allows for you to learn sonography on your own.

Scan anytime

It can be hard to get access to a ultrasound machine, a willing patient and an instructor at the same time as a medical student and even as a resident. Not with Scanbooster - just take out your smartphone, tablet oder Mac.


Scanbooster's goal is to make sonographic education accessible to anyone. That's why we offer a reduced pricing for universities. Compared to conventional Ultrasound Simulators which can easily cost around $100,000.00 - we offer a very reasonable pricing.


We have developed Scanbooster to achieve maximum realism. Just check out our one of a kind Scanbooster Control App. Scanning with just your smartphone or tablet has never felt so real.

Meet the medical students

I really love the portability that comes with an ultrasound simulator that fits onto an iPad or iPhone. You can take it anywhere you want and share your progress with friends.

Medical student

Scanbooster helps me learn ultrasonography by showing me what structure I am scanning right now. It's as easy as that. By using the Scanbooster labelling I can tell what I am displaying right now.

Medical student

Using an iPhone as controller for Scanbooster on iPad is just genius. You can practice your scanning skills without even having to buy new hardware. I just installed Scanbooster Control on my iPhone and connected. So easy!

Medical student

Today I tried the Scanbooster Ultrasound Simulator app the first time. I really recommend it because you can learn sonography at your own pace and without annoying the patient.

Medical student
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Apple, the Apple Logo and iPhone are Trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a Service mark of Apple inc.

Google Play™; Google Inc. All rights reserved. Google and the Google Logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc.

Images may show simulated content. Experience may vary. 

© 2025 Scanbooster UG (haftungsbeschränkt)