Try Scanbooster PRO FREE

Try our institutional licensing for Scanbooster Ultrasound Sim.

All of Scanbooster's great features for your students, colleagues, residents, employees and course participants.

Scanbooster Control PRO - transforms your iPhone into a virtual ultrasound probe to control Scanbooster Sonography simulator on your iPad. Realistic ultrasound simulation for you to learn Sonography.
How to perform an ultrasound exam - look no further: Scanbooster is the world

Scanbooster PRO trial

What's included?

  • qxio-ios-checkmark-emptyEntails all features and functions of the institutional Scanbooster PRO version
  • qxio-ios-checkmark-emptyAll real patient cases are included
  • qxio-ios-checkmark-emptyScanbooster Control is included
  • qxio-ios-checkmark-emptyScan tutorial is included
  • qxio-ios-checkmark-emptyDuration: 1 month

Terms and conditions

  • qxio-ios-checkmark-emptyThe amount paid for the Scanbooster PRO monthly in-app subscription will be subtracted from the institutional purchase price upon purchase.
  • qxio-ios-checkmark-emptyThe amount paid for the Scanbooster Control app will be subtracted from the institutional purchase price upon purchase.
  • qxio-ios-checkmark-emptyThe total maximum amount that can be subtracted from the total institutional price is $50.98.
  • qxio-ios-checkmark-emptyIt is the user's responsibility to cancel the monthly in-app subscription in time, before a new month is charged. Usually, this is 24h before the subscription renews.
  • qxio-ios-checkmark-emptyIn order for the discount to be accepted, the user must provide an official invoice from the AppStore which lists the respective items (1 month of the monthly subscription and Scanbooster Control app).
  • qxio-ios-checkmark-emptyThe discount will only be granted upon purchase of an institutional Scanbooster PRO license.


1. Download Scanbooster on the AppStore to your smartphone and/or tablet

Look for "Scanbooster Ultrasound Sim" on the AppStore or click this link:

Download Scanbooster Ultrasound Sim

2. Open the app and select "How to scan?"

3. Select "Start learning now"

4. Select the monthly Scanbooster PRO subscription

5. Proceed and follow the instructions on the screen. After the purchase, all features and functions will be unlocked. Your experience will be the same as with the institutional PRO license.

6. Purchase and download the Scanbooster Control app

Look for "Scanbooster Control sonography" on the AppStore or PlayStore or click one of the links:

Download Scanbooster Control for iOS

Download Scanbooster Control for Android

7. You're now all set and ready to start! We wish you a great scanning experience with Scanbooster!

© 2022 Scanbooster UG (haftungsbeschränkt)